WASP 2025
Call for Papers
Including all information for WASP 2025’s call for papers including important dates, submission guidelines, and possible topics.
Call for Papers
Important Dates
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12h)
Paper Submission Deadline
Date TBD – 2025
Acceptance Notice to Authors
Date TBD – 2025
Publication-Ready Papers Submitted
Date TBD – 2025
Official Workshop Date
Date TBD – 2025
Call for Papers
Submission Guidelines
WASP invites both full papers and position papers reporting on mature work that has been completed. The papers should present interesting results for that are of particular interest of the broader accessibility, usability, security, and privacy communities.
Full Papers
- Must not exceed 10 pages in length
- Must use the IEEE Format
- 10 page limit excludes references and appendices
- Should report on completed work offering substantial contributions to the fields of accessibility, security, and privacy

Position Papers
- Be around 4 pages in length
- Must present novel, open, and pressing questions that the community should address
- OR issues of accessibility that past research papers in security and privacy have not yet addressed

Paper Formatting
Attention to details matter, don’t overlook these crucial formatting essentials to ensure a polished and professional submission!
Paper Length
Full papers shall not exceed 10 pages (Position papers should be around 4 pages) of body text, with unlimited extra pages for references and appendices
Avoid Hyphens
Please do not use other IEEE templates. For accessibility purposes, paper must avoid hyphenation throughout the paper
Reviewers are explicitly not expected to read the appendices while deciding whether to accept or reject the paper
PDF Format
Submissions must be PDFs. Authors should pay special attention to unusual fonts, images, and figures that might create problems for reviewers
LaTeX A4
Papers must be typeset in LaTeX in A4 format (not “US Letter”) using the IEEE conference proceeding template we supply eurosp2023-template.zip.
Adobe Rendering
Your document should render properly and display accurately in Adobe Reader XI, as well as maintain its quality when printed in black and white

Call for Papers
Information on Supplementary Materials
Authors have the option to attach to their paper‘s supplementary appendices with study materials (e.g., survey instruments, interview guides, codebooks, etc.) that would not otherwise take up valuable space within the body of the paper.
Scale on Contribution
Authors are advised to scale the length of the paper according to the contributions described therein.
Self-Contained Papers
Reviewers are not required to read appendices, so the papers should be self-contained without them.
Call for Papers
Possible Topics
WASP invites submissions presenting novel research on all aspects of accessible security and privacy, including empirical research, design research, systematization of knowledge, and vision or position papers.
Anonymous Submission Process
Papers should be fully anonymized before review: author names or affiliations may not appear or be revealed in the text.
Work in Third Person
Previous work of the authors should be referred to the third person. Papers that are not properly anonymized may be desk rejected.
Anonymous References
If an anonymous reference is not possible, the authors should blind the reference (e.g. “[x] Blinded citation for submission anonymity”).
Previous Works Policy
Work previously presented at non-proceedings conferences, even with author names, is allowed if fully anonymized
Online Publications
Submissions published on online repositories such as ArXiv.org or SSRN, is allowed as long as the submission is fully anonymized.
Fair Review Process
PC members that may recognize the work and its authors are asked to declare conflict on that paper and will not be assigned to it.

Research and design methodologies for accessible security and privacy research
Ethics in accessible security and privacy research
Replication of previously published studies and experiments with emphasis on accessibility
Reports of failed accessible privacy and/or security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience
Reports of failed accessible privacy and/or security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience
Organizational policy decisions and their impact on accessible security and privacy
Call for Papers
Topics Ideas Include
Innovative security or privacy accessibility functionality and design
Accessibility evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features and lessons learned
Security testing of new or existing accessibility features
Psychological, sociological, economic, or anthropological aspects aspects of accessible security and privacy
Inclusive security and privacy

Keep Project Submissions in Scope
Submissions MUST address accessibility in security or privacy, focusing on people with disabilities. Papers lacking this focus will not be considered. The program committee chairs will determine if a paper is within scope.
Call for Papers
Submit Your Papers Today
Workshop is co-located with the 10th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2025). Don’t miss your chance to make an impact!