2nd Workshop on Accessible Security & Privacy (WASP 2025)
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy 2025
July 04, 2025 – Venice, Italy
The Workshop on Accessible Security & Privacy (WASP) focuses on the security and privacy problems people with disabilities encounter in their daily lives as well as improving the accessibility aspects of security and privacy safeguards. The workshop strives to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, industry stakeholders, or government agencies interested in accessibility to discuss issues, challenges, methodologies, and improvements that cater to the security and privacy preservation of people with disabilities. It is the ultimate goal of the workshop to foster an actionable change in the accessibility paradigm when it comes to designing for security and privacy for the people who cannot use technologies in the same way as non-disabled users.
Venue and Registration
WASP 2024 will be held at the Ca’ Foscari University, Room TBD (address TBD). Participants could register and their badge for the workshop every day during the IEEE EuroS&P 2025 conference (Moday – Friday) from 7:45 a.m. until the end of each day. Coffee starts at 8:00 a.m.
Workshop Program
Workshop Format
Authors of accepted papers are welcome to present their work in a format that best conveys the content, goals, and implicaitons of their work. Presentations are expected too be around 15-20 minutes, followed up by a 25-30 minutes of discussion among the workshop participants. Providing feedback in a constructive manner that fathers the agenda for accessible security and privacy is encouraged as to create a medium for furthering the development of the presented ideas. As the proceedings are already finalized, the goal of the intensive brainstorming after each presentation is to provide authors the opportunity to entrain further research ideas and foster relationships for future endeavors in the field of the accessible security and privacy.
Call for Papers
WASP invites submissions presenting novel research on all aspects of accessible security and privacy, including empirical research, design research, systematization of knowledge, and vision or position papers. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Innovative security or privacy accessibility functionality and design
- Accessibility evaluations of new or existing security or privacy features and lessons learned
- Security testing of new or existing accessibility features
- Psychological, sociological, economic, or anthropological aspects aspects of accessible security and privacy
- Inclusive security and privacy
- Research and design methodologies for accessible security and privacy research
- Ethics in accessible security and privacy research
- Replication of previously published studies and experiments with emphasis on accessibility
- Reports of failed accessible privacy and/or security studies or experiments, with the focus on the lessons learned from such experience
- Organizational policy decisions and their impact on accessible security and privacy
- Systematization of knowledge papers that provide new insight, focused on accessibility, into a previously studied security and/or privacy area
All submissions must clearly relate to the accessibility aspect of security or privacy. Papers on security or privacy that do not address accessibility or do not focus on people with disabilities will not be considered. Likewise, papers on accessibility that do not address security or privacy will not be considered. The determination of whether a paper is within scope is at the discretion of the program committee chairs.
The workshop is co-located with the 9th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2025).
Important Dates
All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12h).
- Paper submission due: March 07, 2024
- Acceptance notice to authors: April 03, 2024
- Publication-ready papers submitted: April 17, 2024
- Workshop: July 04, 2024
Submission Guidelines
WASP invites both full papers and position papers reporting on mature work that has been completed. The papers should present interesting results for that are of particular interest of the broader accessibility, usability, security, and privacy communities. Full papers must not exceed 10 pages in length using the (IEEE Format), excluding references and appendices. Position papers should be around 4 pages in length and present novel, open, and pressing questions that the community should address or issues of accessibility that past research papers in security and privacy have not yet addressed.
Authors are advised to scale the length of the paper according to the contributions described therein. Authors have the option to attach to their paper‘s supplementary appendices with study materials (e.g., survey instruments, interview guides, codebooks, etc.) that would not otherwise take up valuable space within the body of the paper. Reviewers are not required to read appendices, so the papers should be self-contained without them.
Anonymous Submissions
Papers should be fully anonymized before review: author names or affiliations may not appear or be revealed in the text. Previous work of the authors should be referred to the third person. In the unusual case that an anonymous reference is not possible, the authors should blind the reference (e.g. “[x] Blinded citation to preserve submission anonymity”). Papers that are not properly anonymized may be desk rejected.
Submission of work that has been previously presented at conferences without proceedings, even if that work is associated with the names of the authors, or is published on online repositories such as ArXiv.org or SSRN, is allowed as long as the submission is fully anonymized. PC members that may recognize the work and its authors are asked to declare conflict on that paper and will not be assigned to it.
Paper Formatting
Full papers shall not exceed 10 pages (position papers should be around 4 pages) of body text, with unlimited additional pages for references and appendices. Reviewers are explicitly not expected to read the appendices while deciding whether to accept or reject the paper.
Papers must be typeset in LaTeX in A4 format (not “US Letter”) using the IEEE conference proceeding template we supply eurosp2023-template.zip Please do not use other IEEE templates. For accessibility purposes, paper must avoid hyphenation throughout the paper.
Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Authors should pay special attention to unusual fonts, images, and figures that might create problems for reviewers. Your document should render correctly in Adobe Reader XI and when printed in black and white.
Presentation and Publications
At least one author of each accepted paper is expected to present their paper at the workshop. All papers will be published by IEEE CS and posted on the IEEE digital libraries.
Submission site
Please submit your paper through HotCRP here:https://wasp2025.hotcrp.com/
Usage of AI for review/submission (borrowed from USENIX)
Review: Generative Artificial Intelligence tools may be used when preparing a review with the following constraints. Reviewers must ultimately take full responsibility for the accuracy, content, and truthfulness of their reviews. Generative AI may be used in review writing only to assist in refining and enhancing human-generated text. This may involve leveraging AI tools to edit, improve, and elevate the quality of the text, making it clearer, more engaging, and polished. Under no circumstances is generative AI is permitted to be used to generate the substance of a review. Core insights, opinions, and evaluations must be original work of the reviewer, preserving the authenticity that is critical in review writing. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to upload papers, whether in parts or in their entirety, to external services designed to generate text automatically for reviews, such as chatbots and other large language model (LLM) services. Such a practice violates the confidentiality that reviewers are expected to uphold.
Authorship: It is strictly forbidden to use any Generative Artificial Intelligence tools for any part of the submissions or the presentations for the workshop.
Organizing Committee
Program Co-Chairs
Filipo Sharevski, DePaul University
Aziz Zeidieh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Program Committee
Kevin Butler, University of Florida
Karen Renaud, University of Strathclyde
Teslima Akter, UC Irvine
Yaxing Yao, Virginia Tech
Peter Mayer, University of Southern Denmark
Mattea Sim, University of Washington
Oliver Alonso, DePaul University
Marvin Ramokapane, University of Bristol
Verena Distler, Aalto University
Mattia Mossano, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Maxime Veit, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Tanusree Sharma, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Jennifer Vander Loop, DePaul University
Oksana Kulyk, IT University of Copenhagen
Sanchari Das, George Mason University
Alexander Ponticello, CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security
Adryana Hutchinson, George Washington University
Pamela Wisniewski, Vanderbilt University
Sophie Stephenson, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Mamtaj Akter, New York Institute of Technology
Mindy Tran, Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy
Jinkyung Katie Park, Clemson University
The workshop is co-located with the 9th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P 2025). To register please visit the registration page of the main event.